Picture, from left to right:
Feruza Ushurova, B.Sc.,Dr. Pamela Mclaughlin, PhD (Clinical Scientist/Clinical Trial Manager), Dr. Maren Vogel, PhD (Scientist/Clinical Trial Manager), Prof. Dr. med. Viola Heinzelmann (President of Swiss-GO), PD Dr. André Fedier, PhD (CEO Swiss-GO) , Annet Jacob, B.Sc. (Clinical Trial Manager), Michael von Rotz (CFO) and Sangeetha Martin Maretvadakethope, M.Sc.
Picture, from left to right:
PD Dr. André Fedier, (CEO Swiss-GO), PD Dr. med. Seraina Schmid, Dr. med. Sana Intidhar Labidi-Galy, Prof. Dr. med. Viola Heinzelmann, lic.iur. Jacqueline Burckhardt Bertossa and PD Dr. med. Marcus Vetter.
Missing Board Members, not on the picture: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Aebi, Prof. Dr. med. Christian Kurzeder, Dr. med. Fernanda Herrera and Dr. med. Maria Del Grande.
Picture, from left to right:
Prof. Dr. med Viola Heinzelmann-Schwarz, Ms.Yolanda Hofer, Dr. Katrin Stamm and Ms.M ubera Krijezi.
As patient engagement in healthcare improves health outcomes, the Swiss GO Trial Group has founded a patient advocacy group.
We are very grateful that Ms.Yolanda Hofer, Ms. Mubera Krijezi and Dr. Katrin Stamm are willing to take upon them this task of becoming engaged in the trials that the Swiss GO Trial Group conducts, to improve trial outcomes.